Researchers found that high doses of radiation can cause Leukemia. However, in a new study, researchers found that long-term low-dose radiation exposure may also increase Leukemia risk. In this study, researchers followed 308,297 nuclear energy workers whose radiation exposures were monitored. At the end of the 27-year follow-up, about 22 percent of the workers died. Among them, 531 died from leukemia and 814 died from lymphoma. In the U.S., the average person’s yearly exposure to ionizing radiation increased from 0.5 mGy in 1982 to 3 mGy in 2006 largely due to medical exposures. The researchers also calculated that a worker’s risk of leukemia rose three-fold with each gray (1,000 mGy) of total radiation exposure increased.

We have a better understanding of the dangers of radiation. The World Health Organization has classified radiation as a carcinogen. The risks of excess radiation exposure are significant, potentially leading to a variety of health issues, from cataracts, hair loss, birth defects and the development of cancers. Today, there are many kinds radiation detectors in the market designed to monitor people who highly expose to the radiative environment such as medical workers or nuclear energy workers. Among those products, radiation detectors from X-Z Lab provide outstanding performance in terms of radiation measurement. Its all-digital radiation detectors have alarm response in less than 2 seconds. The patented MVT digital signal processing technology provides excellent performance and stability. Real-time self- reading allows people are aware of their radiation level when it becomes danger.


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